Friday, October 12, 2012

Help! I need a Reroot!!!

Help!  I need a reroot!  All of my hair was burned off by the blow dryer when I got this fabulous new body.  Oh by the way, please excuse my wall.  I've been so busy looking for a 'Rerootologist' that I haven't had a chance to paint or wall paper.    

I've searched high and low for a specialist.  Finally, I thought I found one.  Someone that was good and reasonably priced.  So I sent them an email...

And I waited... And waited...
...And waited some more for a response, but still haven't received one.  Did I press send?  Did I send it to the correct email address?  Did I scare them off when I said I wanted dreadlocks?  Hmmm?
So I ask you all.  Does anyone know of a good, but reasonably priced 'Re-root-ologist'  that knows how to do dreadlocks? 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

New outfit comparison being modeled by Tirzah and RiRi

Hi everyone.  Here are some pics I took of my two favorite girls, Tirzah and RiRi.  I purchased this Dynamite Girls Back to Brooklyn Gavin outfit from Ebay and everyone wanted to try it on for size.  Lets see who ended up getting it. 
Our first model is Tirzah.  She has a So In Style body (until I can find another one that doesn't cost an arm and a leg).  The fit is kinda snog, but she managed to rock it anyway.

A close up of Tirzah.  Like her 'cinnamon bun' hair style?  I've actually worn my hair like this.  It looks nice with the right outfit.  Next time I'll have to take the pics when the style is fresh.

Our next model is RiRi.  She is a Dynamite Girls Reese.  It's almost a perfect fit.  The only problem is that the length of the pants is too long and you can't see the cute boots.  Sorry, I forgot to take a picture of the boots.
A close up of RiRi.  I love that red hair on her complexion.  Well what do you think?  Should RiRi be able to keep the outfit?  I think so, although I'm sure she'll be welling to loan it out occasionally.  Right RiRi???